Spa Therapy and Relaxation

Parkhotel Golf specializes in complex spa and therapeutic stays intended to treat diseases of the circulatory system, metabolic disorders, as well as rehabilitation after general physical impairment and after operations. Furthermore, for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart and vascular diseases, kidney and urinary tract diseases, non-specific respiratory diseases. An important part of the offer are preventive programs that strengthen health and overall physical condition.

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At the beginning of the spa stay, each guest is examined by our doctor, who specializes in physiatry, balneology and medical rehabilitation.
Then, according to the current state of health, they will receive an individual plan of treatment procedures.

Treatment is specific in that it combines traditional treatments using Marianske Lazne's natural resources (for example, drinking cures from healing springs, using natural peat or natural gas) with classic medical treatments, such as classical and reflexology massages, rehabilitation therapies, baths, proper diet suggestions, dietary regime, etc.

We have enough time for each patient, we prescribe treatment in a targeted, thoughtful manner and always with regard to the state of individual health.

Price List of the Spa Stays

Price List of the Wellness Stays

  • Masážní vana
  • Masážní místnost
  • Masážní místnost
  • Bazén
  • Spa Therapy and Relaxation
  • Slatinný zábal
  • C:\fakepath\Lávovka detail
  • C:\fakepath\Cvičení na louce
  • C:\fakepath\Meditace a uvolnění
  • C:\fakepath\Sauna a pára
  • C:\fakepath\Běžící pás