Cupping massage and cupping

Cupping, this massage has its roots in Traditional Chinese cupping.

Cupping benefits include release of chronically tight muscles, scar tissue, and connective tissue, in order to increase blood flow and ease pain.

A cupping massage involves massaging the back, neck, surroundings of large joints, or buttocks and thighs with a glas or silicone cup. The suction pressure causes rapid blood circulation, reddening of the skin, loosening of superficial and deeper-laid structures - skin, soft tissues, muscle fascia and muscles.

For major problems, it is appropriate to combine cupping massage with cupping, placing cups on acupuncture points, reflex zones, trigger points. It also affects the proper function of internal organs. Leave the cups to act in a targeted manner for 15-20 minutes. The cups exerts a strong vacuum on the formation of blood bruises, which are absorbed within a few days.

Duration: 30 or 50 minutes

Indication of cupping and massage cupping

  • Chronic back and neck muscle pain
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Pain in osteoarthritis, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis
  • Loosen scar tissue - helps to increase circulation and break up dense tissue
  • Relax connective tissue - releasing tensions held in connective muscle tissue
  • Increase hydration and blood flow - allowing a easier movement in joints
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Benefit - Body Contouring  - reducing cellulite, spider veins, stretch marks, or scars (a growing spa treatment trend)


  • thrombosis
  • varicose veins
  • gangrene
  • open wounds or purulent infections
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